March 31, 2013

My Week With Instagram

I can't believe this is the final day of March, this month flew by way too fast! I wanted to recap this week on Instagram! 

(top left to right)

With the Easter in mind I created a nail tutorial on Manicure Monday. I am so in love with this nail color, it really brings out a tan! I will be reaching for this color alot this summer! Be sure to check out my tutorial to find out more info if you haven't already!

I introduced my April blog theme this week and shared a yummy healthy recipe to kick it off! I can't wait to share more of April's theme!

I grabbed a few new beauty products this week, surprise surprise! I will have some reviews coming up soon! So watch for those!

Last but not least I picked up the juicer of my dreams! I am so in love!

I hope you all had a great week! It was nice to have a long weekend! Happy Easter! What were you up to this week?


  1. That is the cutest mani that I have seen in a long time. Love it!


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

  2. Your nails are so cute!
    And your health kick food looks yummy! I'm trying to become healthy this month. So far I've failed thanks to easter haha.


    1. Thank you! :) I think Easter throws a kink in everyone's food choices! That's great that you are working on healthier choices this month! Check back I will be posting alot more recipes, tips and more!

  3. lovely blog!
