March 13, 2013

What A Wonderful Surprise: I've Been Nominated

This is such a surprise! I woke up today to find that I have been nominated for the Liebster Blog Award by Maria K from Blindly Beautiful. YAY! Thanks Maria! Check her out!


1. Share 11 things about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions that your tagger has given you.
3. Choose 11 fellow blogs to nominate. The nominees must have under 200 Google Friend Connect followers and be told in a comment on their blog.
4. Think of 11 questions to ask the bloggers you have nominated.
5. Thank the person that nominated you and link back to their blog.

So without further ado......


1. I am obnoxiously obsessed with hand sanitizer.
2. I have a fear of heights.
3. My very first concert was Bush featuring Veruca Salt
4. My favorite app right now is Tiny Tower, I am addicted.
5. I was on the wrestling team in high school.
6. My favorite bath product is The Comforter from Lush. 
7. I just moved to Texas from Canada.
8. My first tattoo was at 17.
9. I love being in the water, the ocean more specifically.
10. My latest obsession is sunglasses.
11. A product I couldn't live without...lip balm.


1. What song are you currently bopping along to?

I am loving Eric Church's Smoke a Little Smoke.   

2. What is your favourite fairy tale?

 My favorite all time fairytale is Cinderella.

3. What is your favourite online store/s?

I would have to say I love Sephora online and Victoria Secret.

4. What is your pet peeve?

Leaving the lights on when you aren't in the room.
5. What book has had an impact on your life?

It was a book I read a long time ago called The Best Little Girl in the World.

6. If you were turned into a vampire, what would you do?

Find someone like Edward! He He

7. What is something that's really made you laugh recently? (Link us to the video/image/post, if you can!)

My daughter, she is the funniest person I know. Everyday is a new day.

8. How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa Claus?

I believed for a long time, but I think it was around 10-ish.

9. What is your favourite Disney/childhood movie?

I love love love Free Willy. Makes me teary even to this day.

10. If you rubbed a lamp, a genie popped out and could grant you three wishes, what would those wishes be?

That my daughter loves herself and becomes the person she wants to be and makes no apologies for it, that the world finds balance and peace someday, and for more love in the world.


1. Nikki from Fairest Favorites
2. Tiffany from Miss Priss Tiff
3. Monica from Pear Shaped Gal
4. Samantha from Samantha Lusts
5. Loni Marie from Glamour Fixations
6. Sanja from Sparkle with Laughter
7. Gillian from Glam Up Everyday
8. Catherine from Candy X Cosmetics
9. Michelle from Michelle Marie Makeup 
10. Tara from Blessed Double Time
11. Samra from Samras Beauty Blog


1. What is your favorite color?
2. If you could be a super hero for the day who would you be and why?
3. What is one beauty product you can't live without?
4. What nail polish is on your nails right now?
5. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream or frozen yogurt?
6. What is your favorite flower?
7. L.A or NYC?
8. What was the last movie you watched?
9. What is your next blog post going to be about?
10. What is your favorite food?
11.  What is a new product you are excited about for Spring?

Thanks again to Maria for the nomination!



  1. Thanks for the nomination .. I've already participated in the Liebster award :-)

    Congrats and I enjoyed reading your answers.


  2. Thank you, even though I already did this, I'll be doing another one on Sunday but maybe without the nominations. I hope that you won't mind :)

  3. OMG!!!i cant belive you have nominated me:) i would love to do it xoxo

  4. Yay, thanks for participating, really enjoy reading people's answers! I was also addicted not so long ago to Tiny I'm really into Simpsons Tapped Out, haha. Also, your three wishes were wonderful, would be great if everyone thought this way :)

  5. Thanks for nominating me, Kendra! I have been nominated a few times before and have already done a post on it on my blog. That said, I still want to answer the questions because, well it's fun reading your answers and getting to answer them too! :)

    1. What is your favorite color?
    Green - all shades except a puke color green (yea I just said that, gross).

    2. If you could be a super hero for the day who would you be and why?
    Batman, I wanna drive the bat-mobile and help people, of course.

    3. What is one beauty product you can't live without?
    Chap stick/ lip balm

    4. What nail polish is on your nails right now?
    OPI Bubble Bath

    5. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream or frozen yogurt?
    Ice cream- Publix Homemade Chocolate Chocolate Chunk, Mint Chocolate Chip, or Cookies n' Cream (I LOVE ice cream)
    Frozen yogurt- Publix Peach or Strawberry

    6. What is your favorite flower?

    7. L.A or NYC?
    Both! I love Cali (maybe more just outside LA than actually LA), but I have always loved spending time in NYC too.

    8. What was the last movie you watched?
    Wreck-it Ralph on Netflix

    9. What is your next blog post going to be about?
    How to Layer. I just finished it and its scheduled to post Friday in the AM (before my alarm goes off).

    10. What is your favorite food?

    11. What is a new product you are excited about for Spring?
    I'm excited to try Revlon Nearly Naked. I know it didn't just come out, but it's still fairly new and because it's supposed to be light weight I think it will be great for spring and summer.

    1. Thank for participating in the questions portion! My favorite flower is the Daisy too!
