September 30, 2011

GLAM GAB: A Skincare Routine

Growing up all throughout junior high, high school and through college I never had a problem with my skin. I was blessed. I never experienced a pimple let alone breakouts. I considered myself very lucky. I had friends who struggled with their skin.

Through my pregnancy my skin was fantastic, now it had the ever illusive 'glow'. It wasn't until after my pregnancy that my skin really changed. I started to breakout and couldn't seem to get things under control. I knew that I had to make some changes to accommodate my new skin.

I am a firm believer that there are so many great products on the market and some of the greatest are inexpensive and accessible. Many can be found at the local drugstore, it really is a matter of trial and error.
After trying an array of products and feeling very defeated I knew that if I wanted to get this problem under control I might have to open up the cheque book a bit! At this point I was ok to do that, after seeing that I wasn't getting the response I needed from all the other products.

A friend introduced me to a brand called GM Collin. I have to tell you that I absolutely recommend this line to those who are struggling and are feeling frustrated like I was.

In a matter of a week my skin was cleared up and was on the mend.

Here's what I use from the line:

1. Sensiderm Cleansing Milk

I have very sensitive, extremely dry skin, so it is important that whatever is cleansing my skin isn't going to strip it of any oils. I can't afford to lose anymore! This cleanser is gentle, but really works at cleaning and does an amazing job of removing my makeup.

2. Hydramucine Optimal Cream

This cream is amazing, it kind of leaves me speechless every time I use it. It has a silky texture and doesn't leave my skin feeling grease or oily, but at the same time you can feel the drenching hydration washing over. I make sure to use this twice, daily.

Just by using these 2 products my skin stays in tip top shape! I used to have to exfoliate at least 2-3 times a week because of all the dry skin, but I haven't had to exfoliate like that since using these products.

You can visit the Gm Collin website for more information about these products or if you live in Edmonton and are interested in purchasing them or finding out more about them. Visit the lovely staff at the Urban Body Clinic.

Here are some other steps to keep your skin in tip top shape:

1. Avoid touching your face. By constantly touching your face you are just reinstating bacteria.

2. Drink plenty of water. Keeping hydrated actually will improve the condition of the skin, especially moisture levels.

3. Always take your makeup off at night. Sleeping with makeup on is a big no no. It causes breakouts plain and simple. 

4. Do not use the hand towel to dry your face. So many times the mistake is made to reach for the hand towel. All you have to do is stop and think what might be on that towel? Set aside a specific towel to dry your face and remember to replace it often.

5. Apply SPF. The sun's damaging rays can cause our skin to age faster, always remember to protect your skin.

Take care of your skin and it will take care of you!

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