August 22, 2013

Rave Review: Dove Invigorating Dry Shampoo

I know there has been so much talk lately about dry shampoos and it seems that every haircare company has 'attempted' to conquer the perfect formula. Many end up with huge fails leaving a trail of frustrated every-other-day-washers. I will admit at first I wasn't going to buy into this fad, but the buzz left it inevitable. I recently did a review on a dry shampoo  {TIGI Rockaholic Dry Shampoo} that I completely fell in love with, but I recently discovered a big fail and it was back to square one. The problem being, the nozzle works when it wants to and so it inconsistently is there for me. Which can't happen when you are two days unwashed and your greasy hair needs a fix.

I recently discovered the Dove Invigorating Dry Shampoo and after a week and a half of use it IS the best dry shampoo to date. Let me tell you why I love this drugstore gem.

First of all it works all the time. There is no nozzle failure, which might not seem like a big deal, but it is when that is the only way to get this type of product out of its container. The spray itself is quite alot of product so I suggest spritzing vs holding the nozzle. Which is great because it means a little goes a long way.

I also love the scent of this product, which is another huge factor when you are spraying it on your unwashed hair. You want to not only look like you are freshly washed, but you need to smell like you are too. This has the most amazing fresh scent. Bonus!

The flip side being that it needs to preform which is the most important I will admit. I wasn't disappointed at ALL. It is quick to absorb the oil and gives my hair that extra lift and bounce just as I had freshly washed it and it lasts throughout the day. Some products I find hold up for half the day or even a few hours before the hair begins looking oily and flat again. No worries with this product.

I also haven't noticed any product build up from this product, so it's safe to say that it washes away without any problems. Something I like to watch for when trying a new product. I also like to watch for any signs of extra dehydration. Something else to watch for when trying a new product that has alot of alcohol content in the ingredients.

It's always great when a drugstore product can replace a professional haircare product, because this means you will immediately save money which I am ALWAYS ok with. The Rockoholic Dry Shampoo is around the $20 a bottle mark whereas the Dove comes in at a brilliant $4 a bottle!! Great, right!!?

Downfalls? The only 'downfall' if you can call it that is the fact that the Dove is a 5oz bottle and the Rockaholic is a 6.3oz bottle, but for the price point I can overlook a slightly smaller product amount.

All in all I do recommend trying this dry shampoo. It is a diamond in the rough and really holds up against the professional brands!

What is your go-to dry shampoo? Would you try the Dove Dry Shampoo?


  1. I absolutely love this dry shampoo! I've already gone through my first bottle and had to run out and repurchase! :)


    1. Yay!! I am soooo glad that I gave it a try! I too love this!!

  2. I've wanted to try this but for some reason .. I can never find it at my local drug store :-P


  3. I love Dove products so I'm going to try this. I tried a dry shampoo before but didn't like it. Hopefully this one will be different. Thanks for the review!

    1. Great! Can't wait to hear what you think of it!!

  4. Oh gosh. I am a giant sucker for Dove products so i'm defiantly going to have to go and find this. thanks for the review!

  5. I really want to try this now after your review. Great blog by the way. New subscriber here. Please stop by mine too x

  6. Replies
    1. I haven't tried the Suave one yet! I will have to grab it for a comparison!

  7. I will have to try this one! I always use Suave! LOVE it!

  8. wow I never knew Dove did a dry shampoo, I'm going to go by your opinion and maybe try it out :) xx

  9. dry shampoo is a life saviour! i've only tried batiste, i should try this next!
    great post!!
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