December 7, 2012

Christmas Countdown[Beauty Tip]: How To Remove Glitter Nail Polish

Tis the season of glitter polish! With all of the Christmas parties and get togethers the amount of glitter polish applications most likely triples or at least in my case it does. As a part of my Christmas Countdown I thought it would be fun to share a beauty tip.

That being said I know how terribly frustrating it can be to remove glitter nail polish since the glitter is basically suspended in clear GLUE! I don't know how many hours I have spent sitting scrubbing and tugging at my nails to remove glitter. Not to mention the amount of cotton pads and nail polish remover that is wasted!

Well no more, I have found a way to remove glitter polish without the scrubbing and tugging and can be completed in about 5 minutes! Amazing right?!

Let me show you how...

What you'll need:

Nail Polish Remover [any kind will work] I use Sally Hansen's Nail Polish Remover in Salon Strength.
Cotton Pads
Tin Foil

Here's How:

Cut tin foil into about 1 to 1.5 inch strips wide.
You will then take a cotton pad and put a generous amount of nails polish remover on it.

Wrap the cotton pad around your fingernail.

Then taking a tin foil strip carefully warp it around the cotton pad and your fingernail, once it is wrapped around give it a squeeze so it is tight around the nail.

Repeat this for all nails.

Let your tin foil nails sit for about 5 minutes. Once 5 minutes is up remove the tin foil and cotton pad by squeezing and pulling away from your body, off the nail.

Watch as the glitter is gone! It's that simple! 

Don't forget to wash your hands thoroughly with soap it's not good to let the nail polish remover sit on your skin.

Give this a try and let me know how it works for you! Also if you have any glitter removal tips I would love to hear!

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