February 27, 2014

Josie Maran 100% Pure Argan Oil Review

Today I want to take the time to share some thoughts I have about a product I have been putting to the test since Christmas. I'm talking about Josie Maran 100% Pure Argan Oil. I have noticed this product a million and one times, but always seemed to pass by it. So it was to my surprise I find it in my stocking at Christmas-perfect! I was over the moon excited and what's even more strange is the plane ride home from Canada I pick up a magazine and settled in to read- it recommends this product for my skin type. Fate?

For those of you who don't know I fall victim to very very dry and abundantly sensitive skin. It has been a battle I have fought my whole life, but I am finding that every year I get older my dryness becomes a little more irritated. So I am always on the hunt for products that holy grail solution.

Now I am really rather picky about what I put on my skin- I would say more so for the past 5 years. Don't get me wrong I love trying new things, but I really research them before diving in head first. So after much research I decided to try this argan oil and see what the hype was about. Was it just a beauty trend or does it actually work when put to the test?

Let's jump back a bit. Argan oil is a derived from a nut that can be found in the Morrocan dessert and is considered 'liquid gold'. It contains fatty acids esssential to our hair, skin, nails and is loaded with Vitamin E. A powerful, but gentle oil that has recently seen alot of hype in the beauty world. You see it as an ingredient somewhere down the ingredient list in quite a few beauty products. Is that enough to make a difference? I want to lean towards no, but Josie Maran's 100% Pure Argan Oil is just that and there isn't a single ingredient more. So I was more inclined to have faith this product would have some benefits that could be seen or felt.

It's organic, free of synthetic fragrance, vegan, and paraben free. All a plus in my books. So I did something completely crazy and unheard of for those of us with extremely dry skin. I stopped using moisturizer. I know right?! I wanted to see how powerful this product was and if it could really do what the claims say. I will tell you I was super nervous and it's a bit freaky putting a straight up oil onto your skin- even with a dry skin type. I was worried it would clog my pores and I was going to have a massive skin freak out. So with much hesitation I began using only this as a way of hydration and after the first application my skin felt amazing. No tightness, no clogged pores- it just felt great.

As I kept using it my skin started to have this amazing glow and the break outs along my jawline- from some over indulgent Christmas feasting began to clear up. I was shocked.
I have been applying it morning and night since Christmas and I can honestly say if you have dry skin you NEED this product. It is a game changer and I definitely will keep this in my skincare routine. Another bonus to using this product is the versatility. You can use it not only on your skin, but your hair, cuticles- they even claim it's so pure you can eat it.

Use it solo or add it to your favorite skin and hair products. It was truly a unique experience and one I am so happy that I tried. Now I am even more curious about this line of products and am so impressed I will definitely be going back for more.

Have you tired any Josie Maran beauty products? What did you think?


  1. I saw an ad for this in a magazine just today and was wondering if it actually worked and then this post popped up on my reading list! Haha.


    1. That's so funny! That is what happened to me! It's such a great product!

  2. Love the new blog design!!! So refreshing! Well done.
    And I kinda a josie maran oil hoarder...got all kinds of products from her..so great!


    1. Thanks Jezz! I so loved this product and can't wait to try more! What do you recommend I try next??
